When considering a place where to go with your family on a special holiday, if you want to get that special undisturbed family time then you should visit national parks. Having in the United States 59 protected areas considered as national parks you sure have where to choose from.
1. Yellowstone National Park
Declared a national Park by the president Ulysses S. Grant in 1872 this is the most knwon and the first national park of America. If you consider to visit national parks then Yellowstone is the first option you should have on your list. Read more about Yellowstone National Park here. If you want a professional guide when travelling get this Yellowstone Treasures: The Traveler's Companion to the National Park Read more about Yellowstone National Park on this post here.
2. Glacier National Park
3. Death Valley National Park
If you are considering to visit national parks then Death Valley National Park will be on the top five choices on every serious tourist list. This park is the hottest, and probably the driest place in the United States of America. But with its beautiful canyons and valleys and all the wild west scenery is a place that should not be missed. Read more about Death Valley National Park here.This could be considered by many a top 3 of United States National Parks. But the truth is all 59 could be worth paying a visit. This could very well be done on a tour you could set to visit 10 national parks in an year.
National Parks List
Largest US National Park
US National Parks Map